Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Good News Versus Bad News

Today is a complicated day which I can't really describe it.The good news is I really enjoyed those places we go together.At first,we went to a pharmacy,where Chia Chia bought her eyedrops.Then we headed to a coffee shop where we had our lunch and then we went to Baskin Robbins to have two cups of ice-cream. We had laugher all the way through and then my damn mouth started to say something bad. I feel like a jerk, but I didn't mean to hurt all of you.You know,I swear that I'm not good in words and even talking.I felt like the more I talk,the more I wrong.At first is Pei Sang and then...just everybody.I hate to have this kind of mouth.

The most stupid that I've ever done is keep on riding on peoples car for free.Damn it!Now I finally realise that I've a very thick skin.Compare to Pei Sang,she's more brilliant than me.Yup,I know that I'm stupid.But I really can't find a way to pay her back for her time,petrol,energy and even tireness.Come on!!This is a common sense,and you still don't know how to stupid am I.At times,when I said something(that I don't really know what I meant to say)everybody just keep quiet,as I know something is wrong with me and I should keep quiet.Error by error.Oh My God!What should I do to redeem myself?I'm very sorry for those words I've said,or should I keep quiet next time.I'm so sorry...As for Cheah Xin,I'll find a better way to pay you back.

The New Life Of The Beginning.

After I've entered college,things doesn't work out easy at all.Far too hard for me to cope or deal with all the stress I've being run into.But at least I still have a bunch of new friends eager or willing to be my friends.At first I was way too quiet because I'm new to this and they came to my life as I'm very grateful to have them.They treat me like sister that they aren't selfish at all.And I named them crazy friends of mine.They were all far too good for me to describe as I can't even find their weakness.We have fun all the time,laughing,telling jokes,sharing and even caring for one another.At times I felt that I'm way too bad to be with them as I'm not intelligent,not pretty,not socialize and even coward for most of the time.But they are different from my old friends.Sorry if I hurt your feelings.But it's true,way too real until I can't believe in my own eyes.I thought that it's just only a dream or some kind of imagination,emm...can't describe it,but I swear to God it's true.It's just only a short period that we know each other (3 months),and we became good friends.

My best friends in college are Pei Sang,Cheah Xin,and Chia Chia.We usually tease between each others,and laugh at each other.

Lee Pei Sang :
The most caring among us of all.
The girl that share with us her lunch.
The person who who always ask us to study.
A clean and active girl with loud voice.
Always talk about hell when you can't finish your rice.
The girl who teacher remember the most.

Lim Cheah Xin :
The most cheerful among us.
Always laugh for no reason.
The Queen of Jokes.
Always said : okay, I'm going to be serious,but within few seconds she will laugh.
The girl who always like to tease Chia Chia.
Favourite quotes: Afterward I piak you.

Lau Chia Chia :
The most emost emotional among us.
Always being tease by Cheah Xin.
Favourite quotes: You win liao lo.
The eldest among us.
The most childish,like to be pampered.
The one we say that she's pregnant because she was sick at that time and we have lunch.After lunch she say that she was way too full and feel like throwing up.Therefore....the story begins.

Our class Y1M5 consist of 36 people.Such a big class that for the last one who comes in,he/she have to search for tables and chairs.Noisy but cool.

Memories Are Fading...

Everybody in this world will go through this kind of situation,especially when you step into the real life of community.No matter how much you try to remember those happy days of life,it will all surely fade with time.When you try to recall those memories all flashbacks,it's kind of difficult because there is more happiness ahead of you,waiting for you to catch it.

I had many bad memories for the pass few years.When I try to recall about it,it seems like just happened yesterday.Eventhough to those who dislike me or hate me because of my appearance,it doesn't matters anymore.As it quite annoyed me and troubled me for a few years for those people that are inmature enough.I forgive all of you,because I'm too tired as I've struggled all these years and it's enough for me,far enough for me.Actually,just a small matters that shouldn't be beared in mind for so long.But till now I'm still anti-guys for those unhappy reasons and it's a history though.Therefore for those guys that who tried to talk to me,and thinks that I'm a weirdo,I'm not a conceited or vain type of person,it just because I'm afraid of being hurt once more.

But,I finally free from those criticism until I entered 4.5.I enjoyed and proud to be one of them because I felt warmness in this class.That's the real feeling that I've never had for years.Although it's only a short time of two years,and I really enjoy it very much.The warmness of the class filled by different characters that God gave us as a gift,therefore we won't be lonely and boring of the same kind of people anymore.I heard laugher and jokes all around the class,compare to the stillness for the last few years.